Hard to Watch

The fires in Colorado Springs that have destroyed 300+ homes and evacuated thousands are about 7 miles from the house I grew up in and which I still think of as “home.” They’re describing places I know and love as “infernos” and “battlegrounds.” I remember being about 11 or 12 and watching a forest fire scorch the nearby mountainside; I was so scared and upset because it seemed so close. I’m just sick for the people there now who really do have something to fear. God bless the fire fighters and others working to save as much and as many as they can.

(AP Photo/The Denver Post, RJ Sangosti)

Kyler Hewes of the West Park Fire Department shared this photos of a firefighter assisting a fawn rescued from a burned-out basement near the Flying W Ranch, which has been destroyed.

from the KKTV website