In Which We Go Over the River and Through the Woods

Haven’t had time for a real post in ages, and judging from the list of things I have to do today I won’t today, either, but I thought I’d share some pictures from an expedition to an area pumpkin patch.

Me, with large pumpkins (is that a double entendre in your pocket?)


Ryan with tiny pumpkin (oh dear):


Lots of tiny pumpkins!


Ryan joins me with large pumpkins and, between the two of us, we manage to take exactly zero pictures wherein both of our eyes are open:

T8 T9

I like trees that are this easy to climb.




I was taking a picture of all the gourds lying in a crate, and Ryan found this one and felt the need to plop it on top right in the middle of my up-until-then not inappropriate photo:


It’s hard to get lost when you’re twice as tall as the labrynth.


“I’m sorry… WHAT holiday did you say was coming up?”


Oh yes, the pumpkin patch was also a Thanksgiving turkey farm. Hungry yet?


Turned two of my favorite pictures into desktop backgrounds, feel free to steal.

tb1.jpg tb2.jpg

Happy Turkey Day!